EU Youth Hub

World Cafe: EU Strategic Autonomy

World Cafe: EU Strategic Autonomy

The EU Youth Hub and SAFIA- Student Association For International Affairs co-organised for their members a World Café discussion on the topic of strategic autonomy of the European Union, on Thursday 24 February, 19.00- 20.30, in the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe ( The event was closed to the public and was held online. The event was moderated by Dr. Alexandros Kyriakides, Postdoctoral Researcher at the European Programme “Ariane Condellis” ELIAMEP, while the introductory presentation was given by Assoc. Professor of the Athens University of Economics and Business, Senior Research Fellow of ELIAMEP and Head of the European Programme “Ariane Condellis” ELIAMEP, Spyros Blavoukos. The participants were divided into two working groups, in order to discuss the role of strategic culture for EU autonomy and the common defence and security policy as a pillar of the autonomy strategy. Additional information can also be found on the event page on Facebook.

Organizational Team
EU Youth Hub: Athina Fatsea, Danae Anastasopoulou
SAFIA: Magda Tsocha, Dimitris Pantazis

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